Hwy 71 Pastry Tour
Please read ALL info below and check back prior the event to ensure you are up to date with all safety protocols.
This is one of the things we do best
Proceeds will go directly to benefit Breakaway Cycling Team a 501c(3) non-profit eliminating barriers and getting more kids/young adults/women on bikes while advocating, educating, and making a positive impact within the community.
Proceeds will also benefit Ozark Gravel Cyclists who support and advance the growth of a diverse gravel & bike packing community in Arkansas.
The Highway 71 Pastry Tour
Road routes are all out and backs traveling along the classic Hwy 71. Hwy 71 offers some of the most beautiful scenery NWA has to offer road cyclists. Road cycling, epic scenery, locally made fresh pastries-it really is the perfect day on the bike.
New for this year we have added 2 gravel route options created by Ozark Gravel Cyclists. Along with a family friendly paved trail option featuring the beautiful Fayetteville Greenway.
Gravel routes have been uniquely designed specifically for this event by Ozark Gravel Cyclist. The routes feature an out and back design utilizing the rest stops used by all road participants making for good times with pastry filled dreams coming true along gravelicious roads that won’t disappoint.
The paved trail route was designed with families and beginners in mind! It winds up and down some of the most beautiful parts of the Fayetteville Greenway. There will be 3 rest stops located along this route filled with pastries to keep everyone going and happy. Also designed as an out and back route, the turn around point will be staged at Kessler Park that features a playground if the kiddos want to take a break to play.
Pre-registration only; NO ONSITE. Register early online for only $40 for road/gravel routes and $20 adult/$15 child 12 and under, ages 3 and under free.
All around good time
NEW start/finish location for this year! We have partnered with Prairie Street LIVE to create a better event for all! Upon finishing participants will arrive to live music, food trucks, and a bar ready to serve you! We encourage you to have your friends and families join you at the finish to hang out in the spacious outside area were all are welcome and admittance is FREE! We ask everyone follow social distance guidelines to keep the event safe and fun for all.

LIVE Music featuring Cromgrass a quasi-electric, genre-hopping string band experience composed of Bill Smylie and McCormick Carlson (Monk is King), and Jackson Diner and Jonathan DerGazarian (Deep Sequence).
Drawing from a wide variety of influences, Cromgrass is not any single thing. By modernizing traditional aesthetics, an innovative blend of old and new has emerged, as unique in its orchestration as its delivery.
Fretless banjo, electric guitars, bass, and vocal harmonies make up the primary instrumentation, but all members are multi-instrumentalists, and alternate orchestration is commonplace.
All riders will receive a custom finishing award! To keep all of our volunteers and riders safe we will hand the award to participants as they check in to cut down on interactions.
Please note only preregistered riders by August 31 are guaranteed an award. Ages 3 and under will not receive an award.
Riders can choose one of the distances or have the option of turning around at any point to create a distance suitable for them as all routes are designed as out and backs.

52 mile Gravel
After riding the classic “Tilly Willy” gravel sector south of town along the White River and passing the first Aid Station in West Fork, this route incorporates a few major gravel climbs and descents leading to the second Aid Station in Brentwood. From here a significant paved climb connects to more gravel and a cool paved section over I-49 before heading back north on gravel on the westside before ultimately reconnecting to the route via 71 and Tilly Willy.
Parking and Ride Info
- All riders must check in prior to ride to receive their proof of participation and their finish award.
- Helmets and good times are a must!
- Road and gravel routes will have sag support. Please be sure to carry needed repair supplies.
- Start/finish location is located at Praire Street LIVE 509 W Prairie St, Fayetteville, AR 72701.
- Bathrooms are located at start/finish, at rest stops 2 and 3 for road route, rest stop 2 for gravel routes, and at Kessler park for the trail route.
- Parking is located in designated lots. Please note you might be towed at your expense if you park in undesignated lots.
- Ride is on open road. Riders must ride responsibly and follow traffic laws.
- For trail riders please follow all trail etiquette and rules.
- Signage will be located along the routes to help direct and encourage riders. Riders are responsible for knowing their routes in case signage is damaged or stolen. Please download the routes prior to the ride.
COVID Protocol for event:
- NO onsite registration. Please register and sign all waivers online with preregistration. You will find check in under the Breakaway Cycling Tent at the start location.
- NO mass start. Participants can start between the times listed below depending on their routes. The rest stop times are also listed below. This will allow individuals to choose who they ride with and their comfort level while maintaining a safe distance. All riders will be out on course at same time to still create the feeling of community.
- Road/Gravel routes can check in and leave between 8:30am until 9:30am
- Rest Stop 1 (20 mile road and 25 mile gravel turn around) will be open from 9am until 10:45am
- Rest Stop 2 (32 mile road route turn around and last rest stop for gravel routes) will be open from 9am until 3pm
- Rest Stop 3 (71 mile road route turn around) will be open from 10am until 12:30pm
- Rest Stop 4 (last rest stop on return trip for 71 mile road route) will be open from 9am until 3pm
- Paved Trail/Greenway Route can check in and leave between 9:30am until 10:15am
- Rest Stop 1 will be open from 9:45am until noonish
- Rest Stop 2 (turn around point) will be open from 10am until 11:30am
- Rest Stop 3 will be open from 9:45am until noonish
- Road/Gravel routes can check in and leave between 8:30am until 9:30am
- Sag vehicles will be out on road and gravel courses. They can stop to help riders with small mechanicals. However, we can not transport riders.
- Rest stops will be set up for safety. Please respect the volunteers and other riders by keeping your distance and allowing a little extra time for volunteers to serve you pastries as we will not have all the pastries out in the open to just grab. Rather we will personally serve you the desired pastries individually (which is pretty swanky and fancy if you ask us) So rest stops will be next level of service but will take a bit extra time.
- Finish will be at Praire Street LIVE. They are providing live music entertainment along with food trucks and a bar with beverages for sale. The space is outdoors and has room to social distance. Please plan on staying for the entertainment and feel free to invite family/friends. We ask you maintain social distancing and respect others. This will be free admittance so please plan on hanging out (safely).